Art. 1. (1) The ASSOCIATION is an independent legal entity, which unifies capable natural persons with a medical specialty of oncology or other oncology related medical specialties as well as other medical and non-medical specialists whose professional activity or interests are oncology related, aged under 40 at the moment of acquisition of membership in the association.
(2) The Association is a legal entity, distinct from its members, constituted according to the regulations of Law on the Non-Profit Corporate Bodies, these Bylaws and the resolutions of the Constituent Meeting.
(3) The Association shall be accountable for its liabilities with its property.
(4) Members of the Association shall not be accountable for the Association’s liabilities.
(5) Members shall be responsible for contributing their due membership fees.
Art. 2. (1) The Association’s name shall be “YOUNG ONCOLOGIST CLUB” (YO Club).
(2) The Association’s name can be written with Latin script: “CLUB YOUNG ONCOLOGIST” (klub YO).
(3) The Association’s name, together with indications about registered seat, address, court of registration, court registration number and BULSTAT shall be included in documents pertaining to the Association’s correspondence.
Seat and registered address
Art.3.The Association’s seat and registered address is:Sofia1504, Oborishte district, 8 Byalo More Street.
Art. 4. (1) The Association shall carry out its activity for the public benefit and cannot be transformed into a private benefit association.
(2) The Association’s object is to:
- contribute to the achievement of modern health care in the sphere of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties, to defend the professional rights of physicians within the framework of its legal competence, to contribute to the attainment of favorable and modern conditions for labor and training of physicians in the sphere of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- contribute to the implementation of a health reform in the public’s interest and to the solving of the healthcare system problems;
- contribute to the ongoing professional development of physicians with a medical specialty of oncology and oncology-related specialties and to the adequate valuation of the acquired professional qualification, to carry out activity for the purpose of applying acquired professional knowledge and practical skills in everyday professional practice;
- contribute to the introduction, distribution, implementation and development of modern achievements in the sphere of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- carry out activities for the purpose of introducing internationally acknowledged principles and norms in the sphere of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties in the Republic of Bulgaria;
- prepare offers for the introduction of international standards as well as for the introduction of internationally acknowledged quality control methods in the sphere of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- contribute to the endorsement of high professional criteria and professional ethics in the sphere of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- organize national and international activities;
- organize thematic conferences and symposia;
- protect the rights and interests of its members and of physicians within the framework of its legal competence, before all healthcare institutions as well as before other bodies, public and economic organizations;
- carry out activities for the purpose of unifying the efforts of organizations and institutions for the elaboration of common positions, legislative initiatives, representation of common statements and undertaking joint action before the competent bodies and interested persons in the Republic of Bulgaria as well as before oncology partners in Europe and worldwide;
- prepare projects statements for enactments, medical standards, good medical practice rules and guidelines, instructions, resolutions, etc. regarding its sphere of activity;
- prepare and present before the competent authorities statements regarding the problems ofoncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- undertake actions for the protection of its members in cases of infringements on the part of different bodies and organizations;
- carry out joint activities with different bodies, institutions, natural and/or legal entities as well as with international organizations for the accomplishment of the object and purposes of the Association and for sponsorship and other conditions for partnership;
- carry out international collaboration and partnership with affiliate organizations;
- participate in projects concerning oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- carry out activities for the support of people with oncology diseases, their timely and high-quality diagnostics and treatment, protection of their rights, including their patient rights;
- carry out all other activities not prohibited by the law, within the framework of its competence.
The Association shall support the effective activity of its members by:
a) informing its members and maintaining good coordination network;
b) accumulating and maintaining information funds for the operative legislation here and abroad and any other information in the activity sphere of the Association;
c) preparing and distributing scientific and information materials, maintaining contacts with the mass media;
d) making contacts and cooperating for the establishment of equal and loyal relations with state bodies and public organizations.
Basic goals of the Association and means for their achievement
Art. 5.(1). The basic goals of the Association are:
- Raising the prestige of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- Development of high standards in oncology and oncology-related medical specialties
- Development of programs and projects for the advancement of the professional level of its members;
- Assisting in the development of new methods in the sphere of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- Collaboration of the Association and its members with affiliate organizations abroad – for the fastest transfer of the achievements ofoncology and oncology-related medical specialties to the Republic of Bulgaria;
- Development of international activity and establishment of international contacts with other organizations in the country and abroad;
- Assisting in the preservation and improvement of the qualification of physicians with the medical specialty of oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- Protection of the rights and interests of the Association’s members and establishment of loyal relations between them;
- Assisting in the development and update of standards and quality evaluation in the sphere of its activity.
(2) With the intention of accomplishing its goals, the Association shall use all means not prohibited by the law, including to:
- collect and distribute means for the accomplishment of the Association’s goals;
- organize meetings, education courses, seminars, lectures, conferences and other public activities with reference to oncology and oncology-related medical specialties;
- develop information products and materials related to the accomplishment of the Association’s goals;
- collaborate with state and municipal authorities, institutions and structures for the accomplishment of its goals;
- make public its activities through the mass media;
- carry out joint activity with affiliate organizations here and abroad.
(3) The Association is a legal entity, which shall come into existence on the day of its registration.
Art. 6. The Association shall not be limited by a term or another condition of termination.
Membership Rights and Responsibilities
Art. 7. Membership in the Association is voluntary. Members in the Association can be all capable natural persons with a medical specialty of oncology or other oncology related medical specialties as well as other medical and non-medical specialists whose professional activity or interests are oncology related, under the age of 40 at the moment of acquisition of membership in the Association.
Art. 8. The Association’s members can be:
1. regular;
2. honorary;
3. associate.
Art. 9. (1) Any capable natural person, Bulgarian or foreign citizen, who conforms to the requirements of these Bylaws and is not a honorary or associated member within the meaning of these Bylaws, can be a regular member of the Association.
(2) Any capable natural person, Bulgarian or foreign citizen, with outstanding services to the development of oncology or a verified contribution to the Association’s object, can be a honorary member of the Association.
(3) Any capable natural person, Bulgarian or foreign citizen, in the process of attainment a specialty of oncology or other oncology related medical specialties, as well as a medical student whose interests are related to the development of oncology, can be an associate member of the Association.
Art.10. (1) Regular and associate members are entitled to one vote in the General Meeting and have the right to participate in the Association’s governing bodies.
(2) Honorary members are entitled to a deliberative vote in the General Meeting and cannot be elected into the Association’s governing bodies.
(3) Regular and associate members of the Association shall pay an annual membership fee as well as charges for participation in the events organized by the Association.
(4) The amount of the membership fee shall be determined with a resolution of the General Meeting.
(5) Honorary members shall pay no annual fee and no charge for participation in the scientific events organized by the Association.
Members’ Rights and Responsibilities
Art. 11. Unless stated differently in these Bylaws, the Association’s members shall have the right:
- to participate in the activity of the Association and in the work of the General Meeting;
- to elect and be elected in its governing bodies;
- to control the work of the Association and of the governing bodies;
- to be informed about the Association’s activities;
- to use the Association’s property and the results of its activity;
- to participate in all events and undertakings of the Association;
- to make offers with regard to the Association’s activity;
- to obtain the information materials distributed by the Association;
- to receive support and protection from the Association for their creative and professional rights and interests within the framework of the Association’s competence;
- to put before the Association’s governing bodies problems related to the Association’s activity;
- to submit for discussion questions of general interest.
Art. 12. In conformity with the regulations of these Bylaws, the Association’s members shall be responsible to:
- observe the Association’s Bylaws and to work for the achievement of its goals;
- work for the Association and for the advancement of its public prestige and authority;
- carry out the resolutions of the General Meeting and of the other Association’s bodies;
- assist in the achievement of the Association’s goals and tasks;
- pay their membership fees in the amounts and within the terms specified by the General Meeting, as well as all additional monetary contributions;
- not use in any way the Association for the achievement of goals contradicting these Bylaws.
Art. 13. For taking an active part in the Association’s work, members shall be encouraged with rewards following a resolution of the Managing Board according to the order stipulated by the Association’s General Meeting.
Art. 14. Members’ rights and responsibilities are not transferable and shall not be reassigned to other persons in case of death or membership termination.
Membership Acquisition and Termination
Art. 15. (1) Members of the Association shall be accepted by the Managing Board. Candidates shall submit a written application to the Managing Board specifying the type of membership they are applying for and enclosing the respective documents.
(2) The application for membership in the Association as well as the respective documents can also be submitted electronically.
(3) The Managing Board shall register the candidate’s application and shall notify him in writing or electronically for the application’s entry and registration number.
(4) The Managing Board shall deliver its resolution regarding the submitted membership application at its next session, but not later than three months after its entry, and shall accordingly notify the candidate in writing or electronically.
(5) Membership shall commence with the resolution of the Managing Board.
(6) Membership rejections shall be appealed before the General Meeting of the Association within a month after theresolution of the Managing Board.
Art. 16. (1) Membership shall be terminated:
- by a unilateral act addressed to the Association provided that the member wishing the leave the Association has fulfilled all his liabilities ensuing from his membership;
- in case of death or placement under judicial disability;
- with dismissal;
- in case of dropout.
(2) A member of the Association can be dismissed in case of:
- systematic non-fulfillment of his responsibilities consistent with these Bylaws;
- failure to pay membership fee without any valid reason – after a period of 12 /twelve/ months;
- derogation of the Association’s good standing;
- an offer by the Ethics Committee.
(3) The resolution for dismissal of a member shall be taken by the Managing Board of the Association and can be appealed before the General Meeting of the Association within a 7-day term as of its announcement, but not later than a year as of the resolution date.
Art. 17. (1) The property of the Association consists of money, chattel, immovable property, right of property and other corporeal rights, intellectual property rights, property payments by the members, receivables and other rights in conformity with the operative enactments.
(2) The Association can disburse property ex gratia and can carry out its activity directed at achievement of its goals n accordance with the Law on the Non-Profit Corporate Bodies.
(3) The selection of the persons and the way the Association shall assist them shall be carried out in conformity with the Association’s goals and financial capacity according to the declared order and the regulations for the execution of its activity. Information about the order of the selection shall be generally accessible and shall be entered into the central register.
(4) The ex gratia disbursement of the Association’s property shall require a motivated resolution taken by the supreme body of the organization with a 2/3 majority of all its members when it is for the benefit of:
- members of its other bodies and their spouses, direct line of descent relatives – no limitation, lateral family branch – up to line four, marriage kinship – up to line two inclusive.
- members of its managing bodies up to 2 years before the resolution date;
- legal entities who have financed the organization up to 3 years before the resolution date;
- legal entities where the persons specified in items 1 and 2 have been managers and can impose or prevent a resolution;
- political parties in whose managerial and control bodies there are members of the managerial and control bodies of the non-profit legal entities.
(5) The Association shall not conclude any transactions with persons of Art. 4, item 1 as well as with legal entities where the specified persons are managers and can impose or prevent resolutions, except when the transactions are for the evident benefit of the Association or are concluded under publicly announced general conditions.
Funding Sources of the Association
Art. 18. The Association shall fund its activity by:
- annual membership fees;
- additional directed contributions;
- donations, testaments, sponsorship;
- scientific, research and qualification activities;
- additional economic activities according to the Association’s Bylaws;
- other sources.
Economic Activity
Art. 19. (1) The Association shall perform economic activity related to its object and the respective income shall be utilized for the achievement of the goals specified herein. The economic activity shall be subordinate to the conditions and order stated by law and regulating the respective type of economic activity. The Association shall not distribute profit.
(2) The execution and the control of the performed economic activity shall be assigned to the Association’s Managing Board.
Art. 20. The funds of the Association shall be disbursed for their intended use consistent with the Association’s budget.
ІV. Visibility of the Association’s Activity
Art. 21. (1) The Association shall prepare an annual report for its activity and this report shall contain evidence of the following:
- the essential activities, disbursed means, their relation with the goals and programs of the organization and the results achieved;
- the amount of the property received ex gratia and the income from the other funding activities;
- the type, amount, value and purposes of the donations granted and received as well as evidence for the grantors;
- the financial result.
(2) The annual activity report and the financial report of the Association shall be presented on a paper and electronic carrier. They shall be public and shall be published in the bulletin and the Internet page of the central register.
(3) The annual financial reports of the Association are subject to an independent financial audit under the conditions of the Accounting Act. Provided the law requires the fulfillment of a mandatory independent audit, the registered auditors shall be determined by the General Meeting. When the General Meeting has not selected a registered auditor by the end of the calendar year, such shall be appointed by the Managing Board.
Bodies of the Association
Art. 22. (1) The bodies of the Association are the General Meeting, the Managing Board, and the Ethics Committee.
(2) The General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association.
(3) The Managing Board of the Association is the managing body.
(4) The Ethics Committee is the ethics body of the association.
Composition of the General Meeting
Art. 23. (1) All members of the Association having the right to vote shall partake in the General Meeting. Honorary members can take part in the work of the General Meeting with a deliberative vote.
(2) Members of the Association shall participate in the General Meeting in person or through a representative.
Art. 24. (1) Only a natural person can be an attorney.
(3) A Power of Attorney shall be issued explicitly for participation in the General Meeting of the Association.
(4) Attorneys shall not have the right to re-authorize third persons with their rights.
(5) Attorneys shall represent no more than two members of the Association in the General Meeting.
Competence of the General Meeting
Art. 25. (1) The General Meeting shall:
- alter and supplement the Association’s Bylaws;
- adopt other acts of the Association;
- transform and terminate the Association;
- review complaints against resolutions of the Managing Board for the acceptance and dismissal of members of the Association;
- elect and discharge members of the Managing Board and its Chairman and secretary;
- approve the annual financial report;
- resolve on the opening and closing of branches;
- resolve on the participation in other organizations;
- adopt the basic directions and programs for the Association’s activity;
- adopt the Association’s budget;
- resolve on the amount and due term of the membership fee or of the property contributions;
- adopt the report for the activity of the Managing Board;
- revoke resolutions of the Managing Board when they contradict the law and the Bylaws of the Association;
- exonerate of liability members of the Managing Board;
- discuss and resolve on all basic questions regarding the Association’s activity;
- revoke resolutions of other Association’s bodies, which contradict the law, the Bylaws or other internal acts which regulate the Association’s activity.
(2) The resolutions of the Association’s bodies made in contradiction of the law, the Bylaws or a preceding resolution of the General Meeting, can be contested before the General Meeting by request of the interested members of the Association or any of its bodies, made within a month after these resolutions have come to their knowledge, but not later than a year as of the date of the resolution.
(3) Disputes within the meaning of the preceding paragraph can be brought before the court of the Association’s registration by each member of the Association or its body, or by the public prosecutor within a month after notification, but not later than a year as of the resolution date.
Conducting a General Meeting
Art. 26. (1) The General Meeting shall be conducted at least once every two years – regular General Meeting.
(2) The General Meeting can be summoned at any time by the Managing Board – extraordinary General Meeting.
Summoning a General Meeting
Art. 27. (1) The General Meeting shall be summoned by the Managing Board by its initiative or by the request of one third of the Association’s members.
(2) Provided the Managing Board does not address a written invitation for the summoning of a General Meeting within two weeks as of the summoning request, the General Meeting shall be summoned by the court of the Association’s registration with the written request of the interested members or an attorney thereof.
(3) The summoning shall be carried out with a written invitation placed on the notification board in the building where the Association’s management is located, published on the official Internet page of the Association and in one central daily newspaper.
(4) The invitation shall contain an agenda of the questions proposed for discussion, proposals for resolutions, date, hour and place of conducting of the General Meeting and the initiative it is summoned on.
(5) The time from the invitation to the opening of the General Meeting shall be no less than 30 days.
Right to Information
Art. 28. Written materials related to the agenda of the General Meeting shall be at the disposal of the members of the General Meeting. Upon request they shall be presented to each member free of charge.
List of the Persons Present
Art. 29. (1) A list of the attending members or their representatives shall be made at the session of the General Meeting. Members and their representatives shall certify their presence with their signature and shall provide identity information.
(2) The list here above shall include members who have declared their attendance to the moment of conducting the first vote after the establishment of a quorum.
Art. 30. The General Meeting shall sit in session if members representing more than half of all members are present. Provided there is no quorum, the Managing Board shall set a new session, an hour later, at the same place and with the same agenda, regardless of the number of the members present.
Right to Vote
Art. 31. Each regular or associate member shall be entitled to one vote in the General Meeting. Honorary members shall have the right to one deliberative vote in the General Meeting.
Conflict of interest
Art. 32. A member of the General Meeting shall not have the right to vote in resolving questions related to:
- him, his spouse or direct line of descent relatives – no limitations, lateral family branch – up to line four, marriage kinship – up to line two inclusive;
- legal entities where he is a manager or can impose or impede resolutions.
Art. 33. (1) Resolutions of the General Meeting shall be adopted with a majority of the members present, each member being entitled to one vote.
(2) For modification of Bylaws, termination of the Association or its transformation, resolutions shall be adopted with a majority of two thirds of the members present.
(3) Resolutions of the General Meeting shall be adopted with an open voting, except when the General Meeting has explicitly resolved for secret voting.
Art. 34. (1) The General Meeting shall not adopt resolutions concerning questions not included into the agenda stated in the invitation, except when all members are present or are represented at the meeting and there are no objections regarding the discussion of the questions raised.
(2) The resolutions of the General Meeting shall come into effect immediately except when their action is postponed or when the law requires prior publication.
Art. 35. (1) Minutes shall be kept for the session of the General Meeting.
(2) The Minutes of the General Meeting shall be signed by the Chairman of the session and by the person who has drawn up the Minutes and they shall certify and be responsible for the authenticity of its contents. A list of the members present and the documents related to the summoning of the General Meeting shall be enclosed with the Minutes.
(3) Each member who has been present at the General Meeting shall have the right to require and to see to the precise entry of the resolutions in the Minutes.
Chairman and Secretary of the Managing Board
Chairman of the Managing Board
Art. 36. (1) The Association shall be represented by the chairman of the Managing Board elected by the General Meeting for a term of 5 (five) years.
(2) The Chairman of the Managing Board shall have the right to carry out all actions and transactions related to the Association’s activity, to represent it and to authorize other persons for the performance of specific activities.
(3) The Chairman of the Managing Board shall:
- organize the execution of the resolutions of the Managing Board;
- organize the activity of the Association, effect its operative management, ensure the preservation and the upkeep of its property;
- conclude labor contracts and freelance contracts with employees and hired personnel;
- represent the Association and shall execute the functions assigned to him by the Managing Board.
(4) A person cannot be elected Chairman of the Managing Board for more than two consecutive mandates.
Secretary of the Managing Board
Art. 37. (1) The Secretary elected by the General Meeting for a term of 5 (five) years, shall assist the Chairman in his activity and shall be responsible for the archive and for the entire documentation of the Association as well as for their maintenance, shall organize the sessions of the Managing Board, shall direct the organization regarding membership fee collection, etc.
(2) A person shall not be elected Secretary for more than two consecutive mandates.
Managing Board
Art. 38. (1) The members of the Managing Board shall be elected by the General Meeting for a term of 5 (five) years.
(2) The Managing Board shall consist of 5 (five) members of the Association.
(3) The Managing Board shall constitute of a Chairman, Secretary and three more members.
Rights and Responsibilities of the Managing Board
Art. 39. (1) The Managing Board shall fulfill its responsibilities in the interests of the Association. The persons constituting the Managing Board shall be obligated to keep the secrets of the Association after ceasing to be part of the board.
(2) The Managing Board shall adopt rules for its work.
(3) The Managing Board shall convene at regular sessions of at least every four months to discuss the state and development of the Association.
(4) The sessions of the Managing Board shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman.
(5) In the absence of the Chairman, the session shall be chaired by a member of the Managing Board elected with a resolution of the Managing Board.
(6) The Chairman shall convene a session at the written request of one third of the members of the Managing Board. Provided the Chairman fails to convene a session of the Managing Board within a one week term, the session can be convened by each of the interested members of the Managing Board.
Art. 40. The Managing Board shall:
- represent the Association and shall determine the scope of the representative power of its members,
- ensure the execution of the resolutions of the General Meeting,
- dispose with the Association’s property within the framework determined by the General Meeting,
- prepare and submit a project budget to the General Meeting,
- prepare and submit an activity report to the General Meeting,
- determine the order and shall organize the accomplishment of the Association’s activity and shall be responsible thereof,
- adopt the basic directions in the Association’s development and a program for the accomplishment of its activity,
- determine the address of the Association,
- enroll and release members of the Association,
- elect the members of the Ethics Committee,
- convene regular and extraordinary General Meetings,
- adopt an annual financial plan and a program for the Association’s activity,
- prepare and submit to the General Meeting an annual activity report of the Association,
- adopt the rules and order for the accomplishment of a socially useful activity,
- interact with affiliate associations and other organizations in the country and abroad for the accomplishment of the Association’s goals by presenting his standpoints and/or experts for the optimal solving of disputable problems and cases in the sphere of medicine and health care,
- perform other activities, which are not of the exceptional competence of the General Meeting.
Quorum and Majority
Art. 41. (1) The Managing Board can pass resolutions in the presence of more than half of its members, in person or represented by another member of the Board. No attending member can represent more than one absent member.
(2) A person having a bilateral phone or other type of connection guaranteeing the establishment of his identity and allowing his participation in the discussion and the passing of resolutions shall also be considered present. The vote of this member shall be verified in the Minutes by the session’s Chairman.
(3) Resolutions shall be passed with a simple majority except in the cases of Art. 14, par. 2 and Art. 31, items 3 and 6 of the Law on the Non-Profit Corporate Bodies, which shall be passed with a majority of all members.
(4) The Managing Board can pass resolutions without holding a session, provided the minutes concerning the resolutions passed are signed without riders and objections by all members of the Managing Board.
(5) Beyond the cases explicitly specified in these Bylaws, the Managing Board shall pass unanimous resolution about:
- essential changes in the Association’s activity;
- essential organizational changes;
- long-term collaboration having substantial significance for the Association or termination of such collaboration.
Liability of the Members of the Managing Board
Art. 42. (1) Members of the Managing Board shall be jointly responsible for their actions, which are harmful to the interests of the Association.
(2) Each of the members of the Board shall be exonerated of liability if found not at fault for damages that have occurred.
Ethics Committee
Art. 43. (1) The Ethics Committee is an expert body assisting the activity of the Association with a mandate of 5 /five/ years. The Committee members shall be elected by the Managing Board.
- Any member of the Association can be a member of the Ethics Committee.
- The Ethics Committee shall have 3 /three/ members.
- The Ethics Committee shall elect a chairman out of its members.
- In order to guarantee a high professional level in the different aspects of the Association’s activity, the members of the Committee can enroll experts according to their professional orientation for participation in its activity and in the development of different projects and programs and in the organization of their execution.
(2) The Committee shall sit in session at least once every 6 /six/ months, and the sessions shall be summoned by the Chairman.
(3) The Ethics Committee shall have the following powers:
- to institute and conduct proceedings in conformity with the regulations of these Bylaws;
- to offer sanctions for reported infringements;
- jointly with the Managing Board to direct and be answerable for the execution of the goals and tasks of the Association.
Art. 44. (1) Proceedings shall be instituted with a resolution of the Committee following a written notification by state authorities, legal or natural entities, including members of the Association, as well as author publications in the media, containing sufficient evidence for infringement of the professional ethical norms on the part of an Association member.
(2) Anonymous notifications shall not result into disciplinary proceedings.
(3) Sufficient evidence for disciplinary proceedings shall be present when there are reasonable grounds for infringements committed.
Art. 45. (1) Following an entry of an infringement notification, the Ethics Committee shall notify the Association member who shall give an explanation within 7 days as of this notification.
(2) After expiration of the term according to Par. 1, the Ethics Committee Chairman shall assign a speaker-member of the Committee to verify the grounds for instituting proceedings. The verification shall be carried out in a month’s term.
(3) The Ethics Committee shall withdraw the speaker provided the Association’s member has reasonable doubts with regard to his impartiality. The speaker shall withdraw if acquainted with circumstances that can question his impartiality. In case of withdrawal, the Chairman of the Committee shall elect a new speaker.
(4) After termination of the verification, the speaker shall report in writing at the first session of the Committee. At the same session the Committee shall pass a resolution. If requisite, the Committee shall order an additional verification within a term of 14 days. Further verification returns shall be inadmissible.
Art. 46. (1) With its resolution, the Ethics Committee can:
- offer to the Managing Board to pass a resolution for the release of the respective member from the Association;
- to offer to the competent bodies having the right to impose penalties and/or sanctions to impose a penalty/sanction to a member of the Association or to acquit him.
- (2) The resolution shall be taken at a secret session with a majority of the Committee members and shall be announced through its reading by the Committee’s Chairman.
(3) A Committee member who disagrees with the opinion of the majority shall sign the resolution with a dissenting opinion.
Art. 47. The Committee’s resolution shall be sent to the work structures of the respective member of the Association and/or to the National Health Insurance Fund and/or to the ethics committee of the respective Regional Committee of the Bulgarian Medical Association and/or to the Managing Board of the Association who have the legal right to impose penalties and/or sanctions or respectively to carry out an acquittal.
Art. 48. The expenses of the disciplinary proceedings shall be borne by the penalized person, and in case of acquittal – by the Association.
Books of the Association
Art. 49. (1) The Association’s bodies shall keep books for the minutes of their session. The chairman of the collective body’s session and the person who has prepared the minutes shall certify and be responsible for the authenticity of its contents.
(2) Members of the Association and members of the Managing Board can get acquainted with the content of the minute book and receive transcripts or excerpts thereof.
(3) The Association shall keep a book of its members containing data certifying the respective natural person.
Grounds for termination
Art. 50. The Association shall be terminated:
- with a resolution of the General Meeting;
- with a bankruptcy procedure;
- with a resolution of the district court of the Association’s registration in the cases specified in the Law on the Non-profit Corporate Bodies.
Art. 51. (1) Liquidation shall be performed upon termination of the Association.
(2) Liquidation shall be carried out by the Managing Board of the Association or by a person appointed by the Association – a liquidator.
(3) Provided a liquidator is not appointed consistent with Par. 2, the district court of the Association’s registration shall appoint a liquidator.
(4) Regarding insolvency, respectively bankruptcy, the liquidation order and the rights of the liquidator the regulations of the Trade Act shall apply.
Property After Liquidation
Art. 52. (1) The property left after the claims of the creditors have been met, cannot be distributed between the members of the Association. The property shall be distributed under observation of the stipulations of the Law on the Non-profit Corporate Bodies for the performance of a socially useful activity.
(2) The distribution of the property after the claims of the creditors have been met shall be carried out consistent with the law and these Bylaws, according to Art. 15, 43 and 44 of the Law on the Non-profit Corporate Bodies.
Art.53. The Association shall have a round seal with an inscription “YOUNG ONCOLOGIST CLUB”.
Art.54. With a resolution of the General Meeting of the Association, the Association can have a printed or electronic bulletin for publication and popularization of the Association’s activity.
Art.55. Modifications to these Bylaws shall be made consistent with the regulations specified herein and in the Law on the Non-profit Corporate Bodies.
Art.56. The regulations of the Bulgarian legislation and the regulations of the Law on the Non-profit Corporate Bodies shall apply with regard to the interpretation or application of the regulations of these Bylaws.
Art.57. These Bylaws are modified and supplemented with the majority requisite according to these Bylaws and the Law on the Non-profit Corporate Bodies, namely all members attending the General Meeting of the non-profit associationYOUNG ONCOLOGIST CLUB held on May 12th, 2012 in the conference hall of the RIU PRAVETS RESORT hotel, and in confirmation of the above stated, the members have placed their signature under these Bylaws.
May 12th, 2012
Chairmanof the General Meeting: | Secretaryof the General Meeting: | ||
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